


Località Casali Maione, 8 - Bugnins
33030 Camino al Tagliamento




DiWine Must

Third International Biennal

of Painting with wine

15 and 22 May 2010




Patriarch Noah,

after plenty of water

during the Flood,

invented wine


After the hangover

he advised his successors to drink it sparily,

 unlike he had done

while trying the new product.


(The) Contemporaries propose nowdays

a different use of Noah's invention:

 to paint and not only to drink it


Luciano Di Sopra  & Giorgio Valentinuzzi




Event not to be missed, on May 15th 2010 in Casali Maione of Bugnins, in the municipality of Camino al Tagliamento (Udine-Italy), where the Azienda Agricola Ferrin will host the third edition of the International Biennial of free (spontaneous) painting "DiWine Must", that was created by Giorgio Valentinuzzi, President of the Udinese Cultural Center Contemporaries 3000 himself. He is the organizer of the event along with Ferrin.
Like in last few editions, the participants will have the whole afternoon of the chosen day, from 14 pm to 18:30 to perform the works to be placed in competition and, as always the peculiarity of the contest will be the colors available: the designers, in fact, will have a free subject, but they can only paint with the must or the juice of pressed grapes and this juice can be red, white or ... mixed. If mixed, to vary the shades it can only be diluted with water in some sort of "must-spritz."
All materials, brushes aside, will be provided by Company organization and Ferrin works will remain in the race and award-winning reports, as time after time continue to give luster to the event and its participants. As in the past, the achievements of the artists will be exhibited on the day of the award, such as 22nd of May at 18:30, and they will be displayed until the 26th of June, and thus it covers the traditional appointment with "Open Cellars," May 30th, where the Ferrin company has been participating for the last 13 years, moreover, with this issue - as observed by the promoters - it takes a first round of the launch of the event that, given the success and wide participation, deserves to be celebrated properly. With this third edition, which, as an exhibition event, brings Contemporary 3000 to number 106, we are indeed facing a "trilogy of DiWine Must" and the perfect number three and divine demands to be appreciated like it deserves, and with the works this Biennale, in a cozy rooms offered by Paola and Fabiola Ferrin to work in. These rooms will also exhibit the works of two previous similar events of 2006 and 2008. Company organization and Ferrin works will remain in the race and award-winning reports, as in time will continue to give luster to the event and its participants.
Moreover, to complete the triptych of editions of the Biennale in a way consistent with a triple trilogy of triple exhibitions, copies of screen prints by Master George Valentinuzzi, which were the prizes for the winners, will symbolically be exhibited. This year, in fact, as well as in the previous editions, the coveted prize for the best paintings of the Biennale will be a work by the President of The Contemporaries 3000, Giorgio Valentinuzzi. Beside that they will receive the great "liquid" prize, represented by dozens and dozens of bottles of vintage wines produced by the Ferrin company to be split equally according to the merits between winners and selected participants, carefully chosen by a qualified jury.
This is chaired by Giorgio Valentinuzzi himself, who is also responsible for the detailed reasons of its decisions. However, as in the rules (downloadable from the sites and
www.ferrin.it www.icontemporanei.it) all participants will be given a participation certificate and none of them will remain "dry" or without a minimum possible subject of inspiration: on enrollment, in fact, given the low share of participation remained at 5 euros, will be immediately paid two bottles of wine Ferrin. All this must reiterate and emphasize that if it means grape juice, fresh and young, the mother tongue Latin; going even further back to the Sanskrit, seeking the roots of the Patriarch Noah, mentioned in the event presentation programme, we can find an even more fascinating and meaningful etymological base, which tells of a celebration, enjoyment and joy and brings straight back to the dark myth of Dionysus, symbol of drunkenness and natural energy that taking away Evil, brings man closer to the "divine" (this term is often used ) ecstasy giving him a sense of supernatural power.






The event will take place Saturday, May 15, 2010 in the spaces provided by the Company in area Ferrin Casali Maione No.8 in Bugnins of Camino al Tagliamento (Udine) and will take place anyway in case of bad weather.
Foresees a competition themed free and is open to everybody with no distinction, all techniques are admitted, the materials will be provided by the Company, except for brushes. The trial will start at 14.00 and will last until at 18.30 of the same day.
Following The jury will meet to review the works, DO not sign the works, but make them recognizable by a number associated with each participant, that combination will be known and preserved by an officer of the Company Ferrin that will guarantee the transparency of operations and only after the trial Jury will proceed with identification of names of the winners.
The award ceremony will take place at the Ferrin Farm at 18.30 on Saturday 22nd May 2010 and all the winning works will be presented with or reported reasons for trial. The winners will be three, two signals, the first runner will be 36 bottles of wine and Giorgio Valentinuzzi a silkscreen of M.o, the second 24 bottles of wine and a silkscreen of M.o Giorgio Valentinuzzi the third 12 bottles of wine and a silkscreen of M.o Giorgio Valentinuzzi. 6 will be reported to the two bottles of wine each.
The membership fee is set at 5.00 Euro, and every participant will receive back 2 bottles of Ferrin wine: nothing else is required of participants, registration will be able to communicate by phone on 0432 919106, e-mail to info@ferrin.it or directly from the Company Ferrin. The winning works will remain property of the Company and reported Ferrin. All the works will be exhibited during the event in an exhibition to be held from 22 May to 26 June 2010 at Azienda Agricola Ferrin. All participants will receive a participation certificate to commemorate the day. Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of this regulation.





 Azienda  Agricola


Località Casali Maione n.8 - Bugnins


Tel. 0432 919106

Fax 0432 919949

www.ferrin.it - info@ferrin.it







Via Alessandria, 73/12 - UDINE

Tel. 0432 44444






No Event 106

 Idea, organization, research, texts, calls,

furniture, Scientific, graphic design, logo,

layout, printing, web pages, proofreading,

 errors:  Giorgio Valentinuzzi

Introduction and com. Print;: Rodolfo Rudy Cozzi

Traslation by : Stef Martuccelli
